Minggu, 01 November 2009

Great Masterpieces of Picasso

"Women with Chignon" by Picasso

"Women playing the Madolin" by Picasso

"The visit ( two Sister )" by Picasso

"The Peasants" by Picasso

"The Family of Saltimbanques" by Picasso

"Self Portrait" by Picasso

"Pot, Wine-glass and Book" by Picasso

"Learning Harlequin" by Picasso

"Le Gourmet" by Picasso

"L 'ascete" by Picasso

"Lady with a Fan" by Picasso

"in 'Lopin' Agile or Harlequin with a glass" by Picasso

"Head of Women" by Picasso

"Hairdressing" by Picasso

"Girl in Chemise" by Picasso

"Boy with a Dog" by Picasso

"Boy Leading a Horse" by Picasso

"Acrobat and young Harlequin" by Picasso

"a Spanish Couple in front of an Inn" by Picasso

"Breakfast of Blind Man" by Picasso

"The Absinthe drinker" by Picasso

"The Old Guitarist" by Picasso

"Famme aux Bras Croises" by Picasso

"Friendship" by Picasso

"Portrait of the Artist's Mother" by Picasso

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